Manglik/Mangal Dosh

Manglik/Mangal Dosh

If you are married or are entering into marriage and one of you is a Manglik or suffering from Mangal Dosh then this can have dire consequences for the happiness of your marital life. When the planet Mars (which represents marital happiness) is badly placed in a chart that person is considered to be a Manglik or suffering from Mangal Dosh. A bad placement of Mars becomes lethal to the relationship, resulting in misery, divorce, separation, or separation by death.

Manglik Check

If you are married or are about to get married then you must get both your charts checked to see if either of you are suffering from a Manglik Dosh.

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Manglik Remedies

If it is discovered from your Manglik check that you or your partner are Manglik then do not lose heart. There are remedies for both those who are married or who still wish to get married following the discovery of the Manglik Dosh.

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