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What's going on at the agency?
Libra & Virgo
#Libra and #Virgo are incompatible, they both want to change each other. The truth is, no one changes.
Let go
Some people you are meant to hold on to, & some you should let go. But these are matters of the heart and it’s ... -
Mr. Right?
He seemed like Mr.Right at the start. But where did he begin to turn into Mr. Wrong?Understand him through his star sign, you’ll learn ... -
Has your partner left? Do you miss him/her? Are you living in the hope that he/she will return? There’s a way to find out. ... -
Day 11: #MercuryRetrograde
Day 11: #MercuryRetrograde: “Re” is the magic word in this period. Redo, Revise, Remember, Reconnect & #Repost. #KarmicKeran
Day 8: #MercuryRetrograde:
Day 8: #MercuryRetrograde: You’ll forget, be harsh with words, disappoint & argue. Why not just relax & have a cup of ☕️