

Astrology From the Author Inspiration Love

Has your partner left? Do you miss him/her? Are you living in the hope that he/she will return? There’s a way to find out. Let me know the date you split. I can put your mind at rest with a guaranteed answer. #Astrology #Relationship #Romance #Stars #Partner #Love #Soulmates #Breakup #Divorce #Compatibility

#New #Moon

#New #Moon

Astrology From the Author Love News

Write your monthly new #moon wishes on:26th February 2.58pm (UK) and 8.28pm (India) 

Remember, the objective is not for you to wish the impossible and expect it to manifest, but instead it is certainly the opportunity for you to pen down 10 wishes you desire, and to see the list as a goal. Achieve your wishes, that is the magic.