Some people you are meant to hold on to, & some you should let go. But these are matters of the heart and it’s difficult to use logic where emotions ...
He seemed like Mr.Right at the start. But where did he begin to turn into Mr. Wrong?Understand him through his star sign, you’ll learn how to manage him.
Has your partner left? Do you miss him/her? Are you living in the hope that he/she will return? There’s a way to find out. Let me know the date you ...
Looking for a #horse to bet on #GrandNational? Bet on a lucky time, & opt for a horse whose name has a majestic ring, flows like water, alarms like red ...
Girls if you are trying to get a #Sagittarius to commit then don’t waste your time. They are the most difficult ones to catch. He needs space, and if you ...
Venus is retrograding in #Pisces. This is not a good time to tie the nuptial knot. The moon is also in Pisces making things seem not as they appear. #Marriage #Partnership ...
#Union & #Astrology : it is the harmony of minds between the couple. The #Moon rules over the mind. It is essential to see how the moon is cast. Are ...
The #Sun rules our soul and the #Moon is the lord of our mind. For any individual to lead a healthy life these planets must be free of any afflictions ...
Write your monthly new #moon wishes on:26th February 2.58pm (UK) and 8.28pm (India) Remember, the objective is not for you to wish the impossible and expect it to manifest, but ...
#HillaryClinton {26.10.47} fierce #scorpio energy in her #horoscope. Sun, Mercury & Venus placed in House of Scorpio. She has strong chances of winning the #election and to be #president of ...
Happy Festival of Lights to one and all. It’s that monthly time again, to write your moon #wishes; this time on #Diwali. The moon’s energy will be high in #Libra. ...
Did you know the great mathematician Kepler, through his studies, found that planets emitted musical notes in their passage round the galaxy. That’s why I always advise my clients, see ...
Partner? Husband ? Soon-to-be ex? This can be determined by analysing the seventh house in your horoscope. Some people have it empty, some badly afflicted, and some very populated. There ...
#scorpio, you’re a water sign, which runs calm and deep. Those who set sail on your sea, are promised a smooth ride. The sea only turns angry when it’s given ...
#Scorpio, for them it is instant attraction. They are good with their gut feeling and are never wrong in their judgment. No one can pull the wool over their eyes. ...
#BlackMagic: the amount of times I get asked is this true? The answer is no. The reason you’re having these irrational thoughts is because you’re probably in a #Saturn cycle ...
Expenses this month for you! There will be renewals to fork out for, mounting bills and unexpected expenses. Be careful with your money this month. Don’t borrow from Peter to ...
#Libra #Man likes to practice #Yoga. If he hasn’t found it yet, he is likely to soon. They want to be calm. They strive to achieve peace and harmony. Libras ...